Love the skin you're in
Your skin is your largest organ and plays a vital role in nearly everything you do. Think about it; your skin detects hot and cold, regulates your body temperature, and protects you inside and out.
- The average person’s skin covers an area of 2 square meters.
- Skin accounts for about 15% of your body weight.
- The average adult has approximately 21 square feet of skin, weighing 9 lbs, with more than 11 miles of blood vessels.
- Your skin is its thickest on your feet (1.4mm) and thinnest on your eyelids (0.2mm).
- The skin renews itself every 28 days.
How To Prevent
Skin Cancer
How to Check Your Skin: Looking For Skin Cancer
Skin exams
When detected early, skin cancer is highly treatable. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends that everyone check their skin and their partner’s skin regularly for any new or suspicious spots. This infographic explains how to perform a skin exam from head to toe and what signs to look for on the skin.
Spot Checks
Most skin cancers aren’t found during a check-up. They’re found by people who notice a suspicious-looking spot on their own skin and then see a dermatologist.
Do you think that you could spot a possible skin cancer? Find out by taking this short quiz below.
To the untrained eye, all rashes may look alike and seem easily treatable with over-the-counter oral antihistamines or hydrocortisone cream. However, it is not always so simple, say dermatologists. Rashes can appear as blotches, welts, or blisters; they can be red, itchy, scaly, or dry; and they can occur in one area of skin or all over the body. In addition, some rashes may come and go, while others never seem to go away.
Warts are benign (not cancerous) skin growths that appear when a virus infects the top layer of the skin. Viruses that cause warts are called human papillomavirus (HPV). You are more likely to get one of these viruses if you cut or damage your skin in some way.
Wart viruses are contagious. Warts can spread by contact with the wart or something that touched the wart.
Warts are often skin-colored and feel rough, but they can be dark (brown or gray-black), flat, and smooth.
Cysts, Lumps, Bumps & More
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